All Departments
- Accident & Emergency
- Administration
- Dermatology
- Ear Nose Throat [ENT]
- Endocrinology
- Family Medicine
- General Surgery
- Gynaecology
- Haematology
- Immunization
- In Vitro Fertilization
- Laboratory
- Mental Health
- Neurology
- Obstetrics & Antenatal
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedic
- Paediatrics
- Paediatrics Surgery
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Radiology
- Urology
Family Medicine

General Information
The department of family medicine is in the frontline of offering services in many units/departments of the hospital due to its combination of skilled and experienced staff available for diverse care. It has the following categories of doctors working closely with non-medical doctors. Consultants, Senior residents (Specialist registrars), Residents, Medical Officers, The scope of areas where the Family physicians function are many from hospital based (outpatient/inpatient care) and non-hospital based (home based/ community based care).
The department trains/prepares resident doctors for both post-graduate training Colleges (National and West African). The goal of its training is to produce family physicians that are competent in giving holistic/comprehensive care to all clients within the domains of family medicine. The residents rotate through all the necessary specialties and do their duties with high level of team work as responsible doctors able to handle the rigors of providing comprehensive, coordinated and compassionate care. There is training in conduct of research to bridge knowledge gaps and encourage evidence based medical practice.
Medical services
The Family physicians in GHA manage patients as out patients/inpatients, coordinating care between specialists for all patient types. We see individuals and groups both in general clinics and wards private/VIP clinics. We see families, couples, relations, adolescents, children regardless of gender and race.
Surgical services
The family physicians are available to offer surgeries for both general surgical and Obstetrics and Gynecologic clients within its scope of competence. This cuts across day cases emergency/elective and non-day cases.
Family physicians are available to do Diagnostic endoscopies and also arrange for therapeutic endoscopies when the need arises
E-medicine/Distance medical practice
Aspects of remote medicine/telemedicine is considered for advancement and development. This would provide an ease of shared opinions between peers, colleagues, clients and health systems across cultures/regions all over the world. Family medicine is inclined to drive and coordinate the service.