Garki Hospital Abuja (GHA) is now using an electronic procurement solicitation system. Please access the Supplier Portal using the following link to review and respond to solicitations. You may view open solicitations by selecting ‘Browse Open Events’. All current and proposed vendors/contractors are required to register with the Hospital by registering in the Supplier Portal.

Vendor Registration
Would you like to become a supplier at Garki Hospital Abuja? Click here to Register

Browse Open Events
Click here to view and respond to a Open solicitations available at Garki Hospital Abuja
Why register?
Registering in the Supplier Portal automatically captures you in our electronic procurement solicitation system where you will be getting latest notifications of upcoming opportunities to do business with Garki Hospital Abuja.
How can I register?
To register , kindly click on the Vendor Registration Link above or below this page, to get started with the registration process.
Is the Registration FREE?
There are various categories available, each category has specific registration fee.